Friday, February 27, 2009

Week 4: Visual Puzzles

For these first puzzles, my friend and I used different strategies to solved them. He divided the picture in zones, count the triangles in each zone and then add them to get the final total of triangles. On the other way, I marked the triangles as I was counting them.

In the next set of puzzles, my friend draw dotted lines first and them eliminate the useless and mark the ones he though were the right ones. What I did first was to draw light lines separating each of the objects, then I tried to connect those lines and create solid lines that I though were the correct ones.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Feature Hierarchy in Visual Searches - Week 3 Exercise

In this graphic named "The Carbon Atlas" we can see the effective use of feature channels like Color and Size. The different colors (red, yellow, orange, blue, brown and pink) represent an area on the earth. This graphic also has the feature channel "size" to represent the big and small areas/countries with the more or less percentage of CO2 emission. The use of these channels make the reading of this graphic easier. It is easy to identify not only the regions on earth where the CO2 emission is happening, but also which one of these areas have the biggest or smaller emission of CO2.
Besides that people can interact with this graphic. Clicking on the color region of interest it will take you to a close up of that region and a more detailed information about that specific country (see graphic below). Here the main feature channel used in "size". 

The Carbon Atlas from: