Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Week 11 Motion

PART 1: Implied Motion in Design
Example No. 1

In this poster we can see that the arrangement of the letters gives us the idea of motion. The letters have volume and dimension, they have their own shadows which give us the perception that each letter is rotating on their own. They seem to be falling into the hand in the bottom of the poster. We can see also how the size/scale of each letter give us the idea of movement also: the small ones are closer to the hands. The letter are not only falling but also they are moving (each one independently from the rest) while falling. That gives us a strong sense of movement in this poster.

Example #2

In this 3-D advertisement we can see the use of implied motion to give more emphasize the message of the poster. We can see that in one of the poster there is an athlete running. We can imply his movements for the position of his legs and arms. Also his body is tilted forward indicting us that he is running. We can see that the advertisement in this bus stop consist in two part: the poster with the athlete running and the first one that have the silhouette of the athlete in a glass wall, placing the two on the wall of the bus stop give us the idea that the athlete just passed running through the glass wall and continue to running into the second poster.

PART 2: Navigation

We can see in the website of this designer the use of motion in the navigation system. The different boxes that are labeled with a category (clients: adidas, budweiser, etc) change of color and becomes bigger: they pops-up and change they color to differentiate from the rest of submenus. Also, while you scan the different submenus, the whole column containing the submenus move up or down depending where you aare directing your cursor. Once you select a submenu, the whole column with the menu move to the left f the page and a display of the work/sample appear in the right. We can see that this portfolio online is very dynamic and easy to use. Through motion the designer give us an easier and attractive way to search for information in this website.

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