Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week 8: Basic Elements of Visual Communication


Shapes: We can see in these posters of Wayne Pate that he is just using shapes in his designs. In the poster in the left size, we can see that he is using these similar irregular shapes to represent birds. Also he is using lines (for the legs) and dots (for the eyes). besides that the arrangement of the shape creates a nice texture. Also the wavelike shapes give a sense of movement to the design. All these elements together create a pleasant piece of art. On the poster in the right side, he is using just the basic shapes (circles, squares, and triangles) to create a castle. Simple shapes create something more complex. Moreover, grouping those different shapes together give the whole figure a nice texture. We can see also that he is adding color to his design that help us to recognized the shapes and, at the same time, make them interact harmoniously.


Dimension: In the cover of the magazine, we can see that the basic element dimension is pretty active. There is a strong linear perspective that give the picture a sense of depth, dimension and directionality. Besides there is a sense of proportion also because of the scale: the two figure on the middle and "in front" of the rest of the picture. We can see people in the back that "seems" to be smaller. Scale gives depth to the picture. Here we can see also the use of tone. The figures in the middle have darker tones than the rest of the picture. That also help to the sense of dimension and depth.

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