Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Week 9: Color

Poster Design:

In this poster we can see that color has been used effectively. The contrast between the yellowish background, the green-blueish , and the red are pretty noticeable. The color that pop-up the most is the red; thus, red has been used to emphasize the word "play" that carries the message of the poster. Here we can see the effective use of a high saturation color (red) to emphasize an object (the word play) over a large background area with a light/low-saturation color. Color is also interacting with the visual element: orientation. The colors in the poster give directionality to the poster. They create a strong vertical orientation. Without reading the words, we can follow the colors blue and red in a vertical orientation. Moreover, the designer make color interact with the visual element scale. The word play in red is the biggest in the poster. Color and scale help to emphasis the message of this poster. The symbol "&" also is affected by scale and color, its color is not too saturated like the other green-blueish.

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